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Hi, you found my blog, Cinch Home Services Scam Blog.

I'm just an ordinary dad trying to fight the home warranty industry and figure out why my claim was denied.

Welcome to my blog. If you found this then you're just like me, a regular homeowner that Cinch denied a claim to. Like you, I've been on the phone with them a LOT trying to convince someone to approve my claim. Finally, I got plain ole fed up and filed a claim in small claims court. Follow my journey through small claims court and hopefully I can help you as well.

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Contact Cinch Home Services

Cinch Home Services does not make it easy for you to talk to someone. It's because they don't actually want to communicate with their...

Trial Update & Cinch in Contempt

So it’s been a while and I wanted to update my readers. Yes, I went to trial a month ago. But I can’t really call it a trial. So, it was...

More Cinch Home Services Customer Reviews

Every week we scour the internet to find insightful reviews from real Cinch Home Services customers. Come check out the latest weekly...

Endgame: The Justice Court Hearing

Over the last several weeks, we have (hopefully) helped you build a strong foundation for your home warranty claim. Now that we are in...

Subpoena Options in Justice Court

Evidentiary and procedural rules are relaxed in Justice Court, but there are still rules. Plaintiffs still have the burden of proof. As...

Virginia Service of Process Example for Small Claims Court

Today we’re going to walk through a real Service of Process document for Small Claims Court here in Virginia. Our Recovering Lawyer...

$64 Warrant in Debt - VA Example

Here is a great example of a Warrant in Debt I completed here in the great State of Virginia. These documents vary by state, so please...

Weekly Roundup of Cinch Customer Service Reviews

Every week we scour the internet to find the latest and most informative customer service reviews about Cinch Home Services. Here's our...

Pleadings in a Small Claims Court Case

In a previous post, we stated that small claims court is a bit like Judge Judy without the TV cameras. That’s essentially true, but not...

More Cinch Customer Reviews

Every week we scour the web to find you the most comprehensive customer service reviews related to Cinch Home Services. Check out the...

Customer Complaints - BBB - for Cinch Home Services

This weekend I completed my first ever Better Business Bureau review against Cinch Home Services. I was honest and forthright about the...

Subpoena Subpoena Subpoena

This week it has been all about Subpoenas. More specifically, an attorney-issued subpoena. Check out the below for details! Now I have a...

Weekly Cinch Home Services Customer Reviews

Every week we scour the net for informative reviews involving Cinch Home Services. Enjoy this weekly update! Cinch sent a claim credit...

Serving the Small Claims Court Petition

Notice and hearing are two of the bedrock principles in the Fourteenth Amendment. Most things are streamlined in small claims court. Many...

Weekly Roundup of Cinch Customer Reviews

Once a week I scour the internet to find informative reviews involving Cinch Home Services. Enjoy this week's roundup. I was told over...

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