You know you’re not really official until you receive a Cease and Desist letter. Very proud to report that our blog officially has one!
Check out the letter below:
Dear Mr. Magee:
As you have been advised of several times, this Law Firm represents Cinch Homes Services
in connection with your lawsuit. It is wholly improper for you to contact any employee for Cinch
Home Services, Inc and/or its affiliate company while this matter is under pending litigation. This
includes the Board of Directors; the legal department you refer to in your October 10, 2020 email;
as well as any customer service representative. The sole points of contact regarding this litigation
are me and XXXXXXX at this Firm. We will pursue any and all available remedies against
you should you continue to attempt to contact anyone at Cinch regarding this claim directly.
Additionally, this correspondence serves as our formal notice for you to cease and desist
your “” blog, which you directed us to in your October 11, 2020
correspondence. It is our position that you have knowingly and inaccurately published false
statements, as well as defamed and mischaracterized our client’s services as a “scam.” You make
these claims even though you have previously admitted that you did not follow the proper
procedures in your home warranty contract due to your own “ignorance.” Please be advised that
my client is reserving the right to assert and pursue any and all claims against you should you
continue to post to and publish the aforementioned blog.
As you can see, Cinch is pretty serious about the truth not getting out. They’re paying a law firm thousands of dollars to try to silence me. But that means I’m on the right path. I’ll keep publishing and keep you all posted.
Thank you for your support and send me your Cinch stories to
Stay safe.